Tuesday, April 23, 2013

What Each Country is doing in the Worldwide Lyme Disease Protest

Queensland Australia is having several Lyme Awareness Events in different states also including: New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Tasmania. Learn more about these events here:http://worldwidelymeprotestaustralia.weebly.com/index.html and keep up on the latest Lyme Disease updates in Australia here:http://worldwidelymeprotestaustralia.weebly.com/index.html.

Belgium will be doing online and written actions., Facebook posts and green awareness signs, but also working on a petition and letters.

Denmark Lyme patients are asking for a clinical diagnosis on Borreliose (Lyme), in Denmark - as long as no test is accurate, NO one should go home with the diagnosis of a syndrome, a psyhiatric label, or no diagnosis at all!
They will rally in  Copenhagen, in front of our goverment building called Christiansborgs Slotsplads
When: May 10, 10.00 to 14.00

Les associations France Lyme (www.francelyme.fr) et Lyme sans Frontières (www.associationlymesansfrontieres.com) organisent un rassemblement national à Lyon, place Bellecour. Il a lieu le samedi 11 mai de 10h à 19h. Vous êtes libre de venir quand vous le souhaitez ! Nous distribuerons des tracts d'information aux passants. Renseignements : https://www.facebook.com/WWLymeProtestFrance?ref=hl

The organizations France Lyme (www.francelyme.fr/) and Lyme sans Frontières (www.associationlymesansfrontieres.com/) will organize a protest meeting in Lyon, Bellecour Place. It will occur on Saturday 11 May from 10am to 7pm. You are free to come whenever you want! We will give information tracts to the pedestrians. Information: https://www.facebook.com/WWLymeProtestFrance?ref=hl

“OnLyme-Aktion.org” will be coordinating Germany’s Lyme protest and have gained thousands of supporters and joint signatory for an open letter to the German health minister. This letter, including thousands of signatures, will be handed to our health authorities on May the 10th. We are going to invite the press to cover this hand-over.
On Saturday the 11th of May we have organized a demonstration in Berlin and invited anyone that would like to help. Our protest march will start at 2pm towards the Brandenburg Gate where several Lyme literate MDs will hold a closing speech. Alongside the demonstration we will hold a letter campaign for all those that are unable to join for the demonstration in Berlin. These letters are sent to our National reference centre for Lyme Borreliosis in Munich, one of the strongest official deniers of chronic Lyme Disease amongst the German government agencies."http://www.facebook.com/LymeBorrelioseWorldwideProtest.Germany

Norway will have a demonstration outside of parliament the May 10th at 12 pm. Jordan Fisher Smith, from "Under our Skin" will be speaking at the Norway protest. Other guests that will be at the protest will be Lars Monsen and Erna Solberg.

Poland is holding two awareness events in two major cities: Warsaw and Krakow, both on Sat 11th May 11:00-15:00. Both will be coordinated by Stowarzyszenie Chorych na Borelioze (Polish Lyme Disease Patients Association) -> http://borelioza.org and volunteers
The motto of the events: "small tick - BIG PROBLEM" will be displayed on the badges handed to the passers-by:https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.518332478212655.1073741828.111292182250022&type=1

United Kindgom
protest will be held at Department of Health, in London on Friday 10th May, 2013. Please stop by their website for more details! http://worldwide-lyme-protest.org.uk/. Please stop by to sign their petition too.http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/uklymepetition/

United States
There are over rallies going on in the United States. There are rallies, protests, info booths, walks being planned in Alabama, Arizona, California,  Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas,  Virginia, and Wisconsin. These state either have a rally, protest or events planned such as info booths, speakers, even "Tommy the Tick" appearances to hand out tick brochures to kids. It's never too late for states that aren't listed to participate. We are encrouaging states that don't have a physical event to make sure they participate in "Ribbons Across America" where you hang a lime green ribbon on your mailbox, tree or front porch or in the "Samantha's Green Light Project," which is changing your light bulb to green in your porch light. http://worldwidelymediseaseprotestus.blogspot.com/

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